Articles categorized as Best Practices

Testing iFrames using Playwright

Automated testing has become an integral part of web application development. However, testing in Safari, Apple's web browser, presents unique challenges due to the browser's strict Same-Origin Policy (SOP), especially when dealing with iframes. In this article, we'll explore known issues related to Safari's SOP, discuss workarounds, and demonstrate how Playwright, a popular automation testing framework, supports automated testing in this context.

Enable efficient and maintainable UI test automation by incorporating 'data-testid' attributes

Optimize UI test automation by using 'data-testid' attributes and centralizing their management in a shared file. Enhance clarity, ensure consistency, and simplify maintenance for efficient collaboration between development and testing teams. This streamlined approach accelerates test script development, fostering a robust and reliable UI testing framework.

Repository Architecture: Comparing Monolith vs Multi-Repo vs. Mono-Repo

When it comes to organizing code in software development, three main structures dominate the landscape: the monolith, the monorepo, and the multi-repo. Each has its own set of advantages and drawbacks, and choosing the right one can significantly impact the development process.

Getting Started: How to Determine the Best UI and E2E Functional Automation Coverage

In this tutorial, we will explore how to automate testing of a Wikipedia page using the Playwright test automation framework. We'll also implement a Page Object Model (POM) for better test structure, set up Allure reporting for detailed test reporting, and integrate the Axe library for accessibility testing.