Articles tagged with UI Testing

Exploring Frontend Element Locators with TypeScript and Playwright: Best Practices for Effective Test Automation

In the realm of test automation, one of the critical components is the ability to locate and interact with elements on a web page. The choice of locators plays a pivotal role in the success and reliability of your test automation framework. In this guide, we'll explore the importance of using meaningful locators and discuss the steps to enhance your test automation using TypeScript and Playwright. We'll also touch upon the concept of custom attributes and their significance in ensuring robust test automation.

Robot Framework vs. Playwright for UI Testing

In UI testing, choosing the right tool can greatly impact your testing process's stability, reliability, and maintenance. In this article, we'll compare two popular options: **Robot Framework** and **Playwright**. We'll focus on factors such as test stability, reducing flakiness, ease of maintenance, skill set required, features, and future-proofing options. Additionally, we'll delve into their pros and cons, limitations with Robot Framework, and why it may not be the ideal choice for a modern engineering process.